Our company is the first Russian enterprise, which mastered new technologies for production of polypropylene multifilament yarns with a linear density from 300 to 4000 Denier.
We produce high tenacity yarn ASP (smooth, intermingled) and ASPT (twisted).
High quality equipment and modern technology from Lenzing (Austria, Starlinger group of enterprises), and also professionalism of our employees allow to produce polypropylene multifilament yarn of European quality.
Today the yarn of our company , thanks to its unique properties is used for the manufacture of:
- textile tape, straps, ropes, cords, nets
- firmware of the bags and big-bags
-technical fabrics
- matress, furniture, automotive fabrics
- fabrics for working clothes.
Yarn is produced by TS(Technical Standards) 2272-001-26555020-2014 of polypropylene high turnover by method of extrusion.
Provides for the inclusion of dyes and light-equalizing concentrates.
The yarn may be subject to additional torsion (from 50 to 400 twists per meter).